
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
With the recent death of Rutgers student Caitlyn P. Kovacs from what appears to be alcohol related due to binge drinking - Mark and guest, clinical psychologist Michael Friedman (Dr. Mike) discuss this widespread practice that not only dominates campuses across America but shockingly, 1 in 6 adults also binge drink about four times a month. Dr. Mike provides great insight to why both students and adults find this drinking method provocative and offers solutions for people with a drink in one hand and seemingly, a stopwatch in the other.
Possible suicide solution coming to the rescue on the GeorgeWashingtonBridge and on the most popular suicide site in the country, the Golden GateBridge. A 9 foot barrier to be erected on the GWB will hopefully prevent would-be jumpers and a net will be installed under theGolden GateBridge to prevent falls. Listen to Mark’s perspective on the potential effectiveness of these preventative measures.
The only thing more disappointing then eating at The Olive Garden is eating at the O.G. while using Apple’s IOS 8…not only will you loose control of your bodily functions after your meal but you’ll simultaneously loose control of your iphone. Who to curse more – the 50 garlic sticks or Steve Jobs?